2022第十屆上汽設計國際挑戰賽任務書 Design Task 2022-03-01
A glance at China,
A glance at technology,
A glance at future.
回顧過去,航天技術帶來的太空探索潮,信息技術帶來的元宇宙熱……人們對未來的幻想總會受到每個時代科技的啟發和影響。現在,我們正站在人類曾經暢想中的時間點上,或許如今的世界并非是曾經想象中的模樣,但我們的思想不會就此停下,因為好奇是人類與生俱來的本能。請帶著一顆赤子之心,去構建你眼中的未來世界吧。 Looking back on the past, the space exploration tide brought by space technology and the meta cosmic fever brought by information technology... People's fantasies about the future will always be inspired and influenced by science and technology in each era. Now, we are standing on the time point that human beings once imagined. Maybe the world today is not what we once imagined, but our thoughts will not stop here, because curiosity is an innate instinct of human beings. Please build the future world in your eyes with a pure heart.任務書TASK一
這是一個屬于中國的汽車時代。隨著在互聯網技術、智能駕駛技術上的強勢發力,我們正在汽車工業歷史上書寫著屬于中國的篇章。隨著智能互聯與生活場景的深度融合,汽車承載著一個人、一個家庭乃至一個國家對外的表達。請以「WE&ME中國潮」為題,拋開具象的“中國符號”,挖掘內在的“中國精神”與“中國品質”,為榮威品牌設計一款車型,來展現新時代的中國自信。這應當是一款極具性格的產品,可能是強健有力的硬派越野,也可能是精致小巧的都市精靈…他應當承載著你所提煉出的精神品質展現出新時代的“中國潮”。In a context where the automotive landscape is heavily influenced by Chinese progress and proliferation of technology.The car has become an ultra-connected device that goes beyond pure mobility by representing a person, a family or even a country.Digging deeper into vibrant Chinese values, symbols and spirit, use cutting-edge technologies to create a very personal lifestyles vehicle to showcase the new Wave of Automotive Design.DESIGN A PERSONAL LIFESTYLE VEHICLE TO SERVE AS A MANIFESTO FOR CHINA’S SPIRIT IN THE NEW ERA.任務書TASK二
科技在不斷的趨同與分裂。科技帶來了標準化、同質化,提高了效率。卻也賦予個體更多元的選擇和自我表達的窗口,文化的注入會讓科技更有溫度,讓多元的文化思潮同時涌動在大時代中。當二次元遇上虛擬現實技術、當貓奴遇上智能穿戴設備…不同子文化與科技的碰撞都會帶來意想不到的交通工具使用場景。請以「科技運動潮」為題,為名爵品牌繼Cyberster之后設計一款重磅電動車型來豐富產品線,用你獨特的視角來展現名爵品牌的“科技運動潮”。Technology has rapidly become an enabler and window for personal expression.The strengthening bond between human essence and tech innovation gives us a new space to express ourselves, experiment andexplore our past our present and our future.Cybester is the latest forward-looking MG interpretation of this new Metaverse wave where sports and gaming blend and progress. What’s next? CREATE THE NEW MG HALO, SHOWCASE THE NEXT CHAPTER, Use VIRTUAL SUB-CULTURES AND TECH MUTATIONS TO (RE)-AWAKEN THE PASSION FOR SPORTS CARS. 任務書TASK三
隨著時代的變革,設計也在不斷進化,從聚焦功能到提升體驗,再到驅動創新。未來,設計不應局限于物質表象,我們可以通過設計探討人與社會,人與自然,人與技術的關系。請以「進化未來潮」為題,并為飛凡品牌設計一款未來車型,這款車型應當適應人類社會的進化,從而扮演著除工具外的其他角色。或許它體現了先進、獨創的審美,或許與安全、環保等價值相關聯,他超越了當下人們對汽車的定義,解決了傳統汽車所不能解決的問題,展現了飛凡品牌的“進化未來潮”。As times change, design evolves from functional application creating and enhancing experiences. The role of high-performance technology is to bring positive changes and meaningful solutions to our world. Imagine a technological Utopian World where the vehicle can evolve from mobility to responsibility.HOW CAN WE USE PROGRESSIVE AESTHETICS TO DEFINE THE NEW EFFORTLESS HERO VEHICLE, CAPABLE OF A journey REVOLUTION?Looking forward to the new Chinese automobile design forceLet the world see China's bright future!SAIC DESIGN CHALLENGE Organizing Committee